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Showing posts from June, 2006
OK - so I'm behind in my reading... but I'm finanlly getting around to reading "A Generous Orthodoxy" by Brian McLaren. Here is a great quote that particularly speaks to how I feel. "For me in the US - now the undesputed superpower in the world - I feel surrounded by Christians who very much like the idea of an American God of a middle class, republican Jesus, first and formost concerned about Our National Security or Our Way of Life. 'The Lord is My Shepherd' becomes 'The Lord is Our President,' elected for us for our national interest... The language of lordship and authority in this context only seem to serve, 'The Powers That Be,' to bolster the status quo to ligitimize and protect whatever regime that is in power. This feels like a tired old story that history has seen rise and fall many times, and it sickens me." - taken from the chapter, " Would Jesus be a Christian?" I'm not really trying to bash any particular...

Ordination Service

A few months ago Pastor Bains approached me about exchanging my ordination to the Church of God in Christ. Previously I've been ordained through a small Pentecostal denomiation and also through the Highway Community, the church that we attended in Palo Alto. I was satisfied with the credentials I had since it allowed me to do essentially what I needed. However, I was honored when Pastor approached me. After praying and chatting with Melissa and some of my mentors - I decided to pursue ordination with COGIC. Since I've been ordained for the past 12 years in a group with similar doctrine the Bishop decided to allow me an exchange without further classes. Last Tuesday night I attended the ordination service. By chance, my sister Kelli and friend Robin were in town and were able to attend the service. What a special blessing to have them there. This was a very special night since the first time I was ordained it was somewhat unceremonious. We were living in Mexico at the time. The...

Max Torres / St. Sam / Ozomatli

Yesterday was almost the perfect day. Max is here from Houston. He came in to do some training for the BCM summer team. Knowing he was to be here we were able to schedule him to speak at St. Samuel yesterday morning. He did a great job. After service and lunch I returned to church for a baptism service. I was blessed to participate in the baptism of a young man who I watched grow over the last four years in BCM's programs. After the baptism I picked up Max and Melissa and we ran off to the Ozomatli concert at Mountain Winery. A friend of ours gave us the tickets - a huge blessing. Max is a great friend - it's a joy to have him around. He has been eating tripitas tacos since he got here - I guess they are outlawed in Texas - go figure.

New Album

Travis from The Work of the People turned me on to this. Check out TWOTP - they produce outstanding videos. This album was produced by T-Bone Burnett. He produced the music for 'O Brother Where Are Thou". Either way, this is a San Francisco band. Great lyrics on this - gospel influenced. Pick it up here or on itunes.

Happy to Be Home

It's good to be home... Yesterday was the beginning of my first 'real' week in our new offices. It's a little strange not to be connected to a big team like I had at BCM over the past six years. I don't know if I mentioned it, but we're sharing offices with our church and the non profit Pastor Bains started, Project WeHope. I'm enjoying co-habitating with Connie, Cheryl Bains, JD and Pastor. I really like synergy in an office. Pastor and I had a great talk over lunch about new urbanist development in EPA (yea, I know... It's my current obsession). One rather important perk about our office is that a taco truck parks in front of the building every day. The smell of carne asada begins to waft through at about 11:00. It's just about irresistible. As Homer would say, "Taaaco, mmmmmm." When my dad was here a couple of weeks ago he blessed us by hanging three overhead fans. He loved showing off by climbing on top of the walls to run the electrica...

Congress for the New Urbanism in Providence

In the Chicago airport - returning from the CNU conference in Providence, RI. One of the highlights was to be able to spend lots of time with the CCDA folks including John Perkins, Philip Perkins and Mary Nelson. We had a great time scheming, eating, chatting... The photo is of Philip and John Perkins and Mary Nelson. We attended a workshop together. Regarding the congress - have a lot to say about the experience. First off, thanks to a generous donation of a donor through CCDA I was able to go. It's always good to be exposed to new thoughts and ideas. Providence is a great city - old, historic. I love the East Coast. The CNU is a group of city planners, architects and non profit and for profit developers that are interested in transforming the city into a place that is livable in form and function. It's a response to urban sprawl and unchecked development. It's in many ways a return to looking at the city as an important resource. It call for mixed-use, mixed income deve...