OK - so I'm behind in my reading... but I'm finanlly getting around to reading "A Generous Orthodoxy" by Brian McLaren. Here is a great quote that particularly speaks to how I feel. "For me in the US - now the undesputed superpower in the world - I feel surrounded by Christians who very much like the idea of an American God of a middle class, republican Jesus, first and formost concerned about Our National Security or Our Way of Life. 'The Lord is My Shepherd' becomes 'The Lord is Our President,' elected for us for our national interest... The language of lordship and authority in this context only seem to serve, 'The Powers That Be,' to bolster the status quo to ligitimize and protect whatever regime that is in power. This feels like a tired old story that history has seen rise and fall many times, and it sickens me." - taken from the chapter, " Would Jesus be a Christian?" I'm not really trying to bash any particular...
Loving the San Francisco Bay Area... Community development, urban ministry, trying to defeat poverty, faith, religion, politics, good music, the quest for the perfect pizza, the Yankees, motorcycles... All in a 'day's life'